Yellow Cerioporus Leptocephalus mushrooom growing by a log

Cerioporus Leptocephalus 2

Did you know that no one knows how many types of mushrooms exist in nature. There are about 10,000 described species known from North America, but everyone agrees that there are undiscovered species. Cerioporus Leptocephalus, commonly known as blackfoot polypore, is an inedible species of mushroom in the genus Cerioporus. It usually grows on the branches of broad-leaved trees. Formerly placed in the genus Polyporus, this species was moved into Cerioporus in 2016. The cap is convex when young, and soon flattens out into a mostly irregular shape. It is red-brown when young, yellowish grey when old and usually about 2–5 cm in diameter. The pores are white, turning slightly brown when bruised, and the spores are white. The stem is light yellowish brown often with a black base.

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