Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

The male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, boldly patterned in black, white, and rose, is easily identified. The drab, striped female, however, is more of a challenge, resembling a large sparrow or finch. To answer the question, do evening grosbeaks interact with rose-breasted grosbeaks? The answer is probably no. Rose-breasted Grosbeak tend to visit the south in the…

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier

What is the Northern Harrier size? Northern Harriers are slender, medium-sized raptors with long, fairly broad wings and a long, rounded tail. In Northern Harrier images, you’ll see that they have a flat, owl-like face and a small, sharply hooked bill. Males are gray above and whitish below with black wingtips, a dark trailing edge…

Grasshopper Sparrow

Grasshopper Sparrow

The Grasshopper Sparrow, also known as the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow, is a small, short-tailed, flat-headed sparrow found in weedy grasslands. Here are some Grasshopper Sparrow facts about their appearance. They have warm, buffy coloration with a clean, unstreaked breast. Their back and wings are patterned with gray and rufous. They are easy to see when…



The Bobolink bird is a small New World blackbird and the only member of the Genus Dolichonyx. An old name for this species is the “rice bird”, from its tendency to feed on cultivated grains. Adults are 16–18cm. long with short finch-like bills and weigh about 28g. Adult males are mostly black with creamy napes…

Blue-throated Vireo

Blue-throated Vireo

The Blue-throated Vireo is a stocky small songbird with medium-length tail and fairly heavy, hooked bill and thick legs. It is a moss-green bird with a bluish-gray head and crisp white underparts. The face is set off by clean white “spectacles” and a throat. Blue-throated Vireos forage at middle heights in mature trees, where they…

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo The Yellow-Billed Cuckoo’s latin name is Coccyzus americanus. They live in North America. The preferred Yellow Billed Cuckoo habitat is forested stream-sides, cottonwoods, willows, and open woodlands. The Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (also called the Western Yellow Billed Cuckoo) breeds in the summer. They migrate to South America in the winter. Their population status is…

Wood Thrush

Wood Thrush

Wood Thrush One of the most easily recognizable bird sounds is the Wood Thrush song, which is a flute-like ee-oh-lay. However, that is only the middle phrase of a three-part song. It learns the phrase from other Wood Thrush birds and sings several variants with 2 to 10 loud, clear notes. A male Wood Thrush…

Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird

The Eastern Bluebird’s Latin name is Sialia sialis. They are found east of the Rocky Mountains, southern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and southeastern Arizona to Nicaragua. An Eastern Bluebird nest will most likely be found in open country, pine savannas, ponds, open woodlands, and forest openings. These areas are the preferred Eastern Bluebird…