
American Goldfinch

Here are some interesting American Goldfinch facts. The American Goldfinch’s Latin name is Spinus tristis. It is found all over North America. The American Goldfinch prefers open country, such as fields, meadows, and plains, as well as roadsides, gardens, and orchards. They breed around June or July. The American Goldfinch nest is built by the female, up to 30 feet off of the ground. The female will lay and incubate 4-6 eggs, producing one brood per year. The baby American Goldfinch will hatch roughly two weeks after incubation begins and leave the nest after only one week. The American Goldfinch migrates randomly. Sometimes South, sometimes North, sometimes in spring, sometimes in winter. Usually, migration happens during the daytime.

The American Goldfinch’s population status is of least concern because the population is rising. They can be found at Coal Creek Farm year-round. The American Goldfinch’s diet consists of seeds, weeds, grasses, bark, and small twigs. The male American Goldfinch is known for its bright yellow color, which is produced by the pigment in the seeds and plants they eat. The most common American Goldfinch call is its contact call, given in flight. It sounds like the bird is quietly saying po-ta-to-chip with a very even cadence. When the American Goldfinch sound is very harsh, it usually means that the bird is in feeding flocks or at the nest.

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