
Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager Sound

The Scarlet Tanager’s latin name is Piranga olivacea. They can be found all over America. Their preferred habitat is large forests, deciduous trees, and on top branches of large trees. The Scarlet Tanager breeds from May through June. They winter in southern areas. Their population status is of least concern.

The Scarlet Tanager bird can be found at Coal Creek Farm from April through October. What do Scarlet Tanagers eat? Their diet consists of mostly insects, including caterpillars, moths, beetles, wasps, bees, spiders, snails, worms, fruits, and berries. They are part of the cardinal family. When you look at Scarlet Tanager pictures you’ll notice that males seem almost too bright and exotic for northeastern woodlands with their brilliant red bodies and black wings.

A female Scarlet Tanager is olive yellow with darker olive wings and tail. What does a Scarlet Tanager song (or Scarlet Tanager call) sound like? Imagine an American Robin with a sore throat. That’s what it sounds like.

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