

Out walking on Winter Road this morning, I stepped into the woods to check out some of the recently burned woods. In addition to clearing the underbrush and allowing us to reseed native grasses that will prove fodder for our cattle for years to come, we are also restoring the habitat of the Northern Bobwhite….



I love this time of year. This morning I saw the first Indigo Bunting of the season. Our area of Tennessee is in the flight path of dozens of migratory birds. During Covid, my children and I recorded more than 60 different species of birds. They aren’t a profit center for the farm, but I…

Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey

Here’s a bit of Wild Turkey 101 for you. What do Wild Turkeys eat? They are considered omnivores so they eat both plants and animals, depending on what is available. Some of the staples of their diet include grass, fruits, corn, snails, worms and insects. Can Wild Turkeys fly? Yes…they are actually very good flyers…

Eastern Whip-Poor-Will

Eastern Whip-Poor-Will

What is a Whippoorwill?  Officially, it’s an Eastern Whip-poor-will and its latin name is Antrostomus vociferus. It lives in North America. Their preferred habitat is leafy woodlands, moist forests, and deciduous woodlands. The Eastern Whip-poor-will (also referred to as a Whippoorwill bird) breeds through May and June. They winter in southern parts. Their population is…

Yellow-Breasted Chat

Yellow-Breasted Chat

The Yellow-Breasted Chat’s latin name is Icteria virens. It is found all throughout North America. The Yellow-Breasted Chat’s preferred habitat is dense shrubbery, farm fields, clearcuts, fencerows, forest openings, swamps, edges of ponds, and streams. They breed across the eastern United States and southern Canada, from New York to Iowa and south to Texas and…

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting Sound The Indigo Bunting’s latin name is Passerina cyanea. The Indigo Bunting bird can be found throughout North America and South America. It’s preferred habitat is farmland, brushy forest edges, and open woodland. The Indigo Bunting breeds during the summer. Their migration ranges from southern Canada to northern Florida during the summer, and…

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

The Song Sparrow’s latin name is Melospiza melodia. It lives all over North America. Their preferred habitat is thickets, brush, marshes, gardens, fields, stream sides, and woodland edges. The Song Sparrows breeding season is between late winter and early spring. Most of them are non-migratory, but some birds winter south. The Song Sparrow bird song…

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager Sound The Scarlet Tanager’s latin name is Piranga olivacea. They can be found all over America. Their preferred habitat is large forests, deciduous trees, and on top branches of large trees. The Scarlet Tanager breeds from May through June. They winter in southern areas. Their population status is of least concern. The Scarlet…