
Yellow-Breasted Chat

The Yellow-Breasted Chat’s latin name is Icteria virens. It is found all throughout North America. The Yellow-Breasted Chat’s preferred habitat is dense shrubbery, farm fields, clearcuts, fencerows, forest openings, swamps, edges of ponds, and streams. They breed across the eastern United States and southern Canada, from New York to Iowa and south to Texas and North Florida. They winter in Central America and Mexico. The Yellow-Breasted Chat’s population is slightly declining. They come to Coal Creek Farm in mid-April and depart in late September. The Yellow-Breasted Chat’s mostly feed on insects, berries, including blackberries, and grapes. The Yellow-Breasted Chat is a large songbird. The night sounds of a Yellow Breasted Chat are a strange mix of cackles, clucks, whistles and hoots.

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