
American Crow

Here are some interesting American Crow facts. The American Crow’s latin name is Corvus brachyrhynchos. It is a common bird found throughout most of North America. The American Crow habitat is farmland and grassland areas. They also thrive in suburban neighborhoods and urban parks as well as coastal areas. American Crows do not breed for four to five years. The breeding season starts in April.

American Crows in the south do not migrate but Crows in the north do migrate, and they go south. Their population status is of least concern meaning they are not threatened. The American Crow can be found at Coal Creek Farm year round. When you search for American Crow size you’ll discover that it is a large, distinctive bird with iridescent black feathers all over. The American Crow call is a harsh caw. Their diet consists of grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, earthworms, mice, many insects, fish, turtles, crayfish, and clams. Their eggs are a pale bluish-greenish with blotches of brown and gray toward the large end.

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