Northern Cardinal bird sitting on a tree branch

Northern Cardinal

Here are some Northern Cardinal facts. The Northern Cardinal scientific name is Cardinalis cardinalis. It can be found in Southeastern Canada, Eastern United States, and South through Mexico. The Northern Cardinal habitat includes woodlands, gardens, shrublands, and wetlands. Northern Cardinals find a new mate every mating season. It is classified as least concern. Northern Cardinal birds do not migrate, and can be found at Coal Creek farm year round. Their diet consists of weeds, sunflower seeds, grains, fruits, and some insects. The bowl-shaped nest of the Northern Cardinal is constructed of leaves, stems and twigs and usually has soft grass on the inside.

The female Northern Cardinal deposits about three Northern Cardinal eggs into the nest, sitting on them for 11-13 days. The baby Northern Cardinal chicks will hatch and leave the nest in another 7-13 days. The Northern Cardinal call is a distinct alarm sound…a short metallic chip sound. This call is often given by the male Northern Cardinal in order to give warning to the female, any nestlings and any juvenile Northern Cardinal in the area. The Northern Cardinal’s average lifespan is 3 years.

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